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Image by Artturi Jalli


I have been using Python for the past 7 years as a data scientist. With Python, I have designed and developed chatbots and other Large Language Models (LLM) using LangChain, HuggingFace, Streamlit, and OpenAI. I have also developed machine learning algorithms, wrote scripts for data preparation, analysis, and visualization, and created Computer Vision (CV) models using OpenCV and Natural Language Processing (NLP) models usign NLTK and spaCy. I have also worked on websites and built web applications using Flask.

Image by Rubaitul Azad


With SQL, I have developed data models, created Entity Relationship Diagrams (ERD), and developed databases using SQL commands. I have also managed databases, users, and setup security and role access in SQL to create secure databases. I built a SQL database that operated on the backend of a deep learning web application that allowed users to submit an image to the webpage and receive a prediction from a CV model using Lambda functions in AWS. I wrote all the SQL commands for this database and secured the database against SQL injections and brute force attacks.

Image by Tianyi Ma


In R, I am loading, analyzing, visualizing, and transforming data for various graduate school projects within my Master's degree program in Applied Data Science at Syracuse University. I am also learning to build various machine learning models in R using packages to create SVM, logistic regression, rpart, and deep learning models. I am also performing various texting mining tasks in R using the quanteda package.

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